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...Note that the word document is authoritative one this spreadsheet merely a convenient way of summarizing bidder s technical proposal please refer to for full description requirements as summary does not contain scope requirement id architecture rqmodularity rqopenness rqopensource rqopenformat rqauthentication rqreuse rqmultitenancy rqscalability rqlocalization rqresilience rqmultidatacenter rqtier rqprivacy rqencryption rqdocumentation rqdesign rqcreationofperson ui rqweb rqlanguage rqergonomy rqiff hosting rqisc rqenv rqbackup rqmonitoring rqvirtual rqos rqdb rqsla rqinstallation sizing rqusers rqperf rqmaxentity rqvolume rqbom rqimpactexisting log rqlog rqlogformat ai rqartificialintelligence maintenance rqmaintenance rqknowledgetransfer security rqsecurity rqsecuritytests integration proposed solution must be modular each module reusable in context analytical platform but from an external system well it offer its own api and documented supported easy extend add new components offer...