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picture1_Forest Pdf 152571 | Benzene

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File: Forest Pdf 152571 | Benzene
benzene b pharm semester iii prepared by dr m d game 1 physicai properties of benzene benzene is a colourless or light yellow it is liquid at room temperature it ...

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...Benzene b pharm semester iii prepared by dr m d game physicai properties of is a colourless or light yellow it liquid at room temperature has sweet odour and highly flammable natural sources include volcanoes forest fires also part ball stick model crude oil gasoline cigarette smoke iupacnamebenzene other names benzol historic german cyclohexa triene cyclohexatriene space filling an organic chemical compound consisting carbon hydrogen atoms with alternating double bonds as contains only classed hydrocarbon the formula c h so consists six joined in ring one atom attached to each nomenclature monosubstituted alkylbenzenes are named derivatives for example ethylbenzene iupac system retains certain common several simpler alkyl benzenes ch eth ylb enzene toluene styrene...

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