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picture1_Ppt Chemical 72368 | 3 Organicandbiochemistry(14)

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File: Ppt Chemical 72368 | 3 Organicandbiochemistry(14)
aromatic hydrocarbons aromatic hydrocarbons benzene benzene aromatic hydrocarbons are benzene and compounds that resemble benzene in chemical behavior aromatic properties are those properties of benzene that distinguish it from aliphatic ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 31 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Aromatic hydrocarbons benzene are and compounds that resemble in chemical behavior properties those of distinguish it from aliphatic they characterized by a tendency to undergo ionic substitution www soran edu iq molecular formula isomer number kekule structure has the ch was known contain six carbon atoms hydrogen he offered an answer question these chains can sometime be closed form rings represented as today i other consistent with c h for example structures ii v all s accepted most nearly satisfactory yield only one monosubstitution product chy bromobenzene br similarly chlorobenzene chcl or nitrobenzene no this fact we see each must exactly equivalent thus above is acceptable ring nomenclature its derivatives many prefix name substituent group word etc...

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