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picture1_Pharmacy Pdf 152153 | Pharm Pharmacy Practice Batch 2020 Onward

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Pharmacy Pdf 152153 | Pharm Pharmacy Practice Batch 2020 Onward

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Scheme and syllabus m pharmacy practice batch onwards by board of studies department academics i k gujral punjab technical university first semester course name l p marks credits code internal external total mpp t clinical pharmacotherapeutics hospital community research practical seminar assignment minimum five each per second mppt principles quality use medicines ii pharmacokinetics therapeutic drug monitoring pharmacoepidemiology pharmacoeconomics mppp third mrmt methodology biostatistics journal club discussion presentation proposal work non exam page fourth final co curricular activities satisfactory unsatisfactory note required credit points for less than not included towards calculation cgpa wise distribution iii iv attending conference scientific presentations other scholarly the assigned extracurricular or shall be given principals colleges same submitted to guidelines awarding maximum activity participation in national level workshop symposium training programs related specia...

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