33rd espen espen congress on congress clinical nutrition metabolism gothenburg sweden gothenburg sweden 3 6 september 2011 the european society for clinical nutrition in translation nutrition and metabolism final programme ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 14 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Rd espen congress on clinical nutrition metabolism gothenburg sweden september the european society for in translation and final programme www org table of contents committees welcome message time schedule overview day by lll courses posters presentations information general social events excursions acknowledgements sponsors exhibitors educational conflict interest exhibition plan venueplan central local organising committee executive ingvar bosaeus president pierre singer chairperson tommy cederholm scientific miguel leon sanz secretary ann odlund olin andre van gossum treasurer elisabet rothenberg yves boirie gunnar akner stephan c bischoff n e p deutz dileepraj lobo eva carlsson olav rooyackers permanent members juan jesus carrero rotating member olle hernell gerd faxen irving ljungqvist alessandro laviano jan palmblad mette holst nurse peter stenvinkel zeljko krznaric physician anders thorell wernerman sylwia osowska pharmacist matthias pirlich marian bokhorst de der schueren dieti...