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picture1_Contract Template Pdf 202996 | Nec3 Programme

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File: Contract Template Pdf 202996 | Nec3 Programme
nec 3 the accepted programme submitting and revising the accepted programme clause 31 and 32 nec3 the programme identified in the contract data is the when must the contractor submit ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 10 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Nec the accepted programme submitting and revising clause identified in contract data is when must contractor submit a there yes first for acceptance to project no has manager instructed should within period stated revised revise submitted mustshow showing starting date access dates key all information even if instruction completion required planned this reply on periodic basis max interval between programmes order timing of operations set out being work employer part any others plans complete allow carry works payment withheld until submits meet each condition correct needs site later than its acceptances plant materials other or notified things be provided by reasons not accepting weeks from an operation statement how pans do including issue equipment resources does accepts provisions float time risk allowances neither contractually compliant health safety requirements procedures notifies activity schedule relates reason using option c compensation event under listed...

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