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picture1_The Building Blocks Teacher Key

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File: The Building Blocks Teacher Key
teacher edition food explorations lab i the building blocks student lab investigations name lab overview in this investigation you will be constructing animal and plant proteins using beads to represent ...

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...Teacher edition food explorations lab i the building blocks student investigations name overview in this investigation you will be constructing animal and plant proteins using beads to represent amino acids asked consider which are complete if not complementary objectives learn how describe relationship of dietary protein health major body systems construct a model identify incomplete meat fish poultry eggs explain effect insufficient essential on s synthesis relevance vegetarian diet question following sources contain all circle your answer peanuts white rice beans toast predictions predict two foods considered is because materials bags colored craft pipe cleaners procedure working with group given each different color bead single acid their abbreviations listed page direction from create key determine represents alanine lysine abbreviation ala lys arginine methionine agr met asparagine phenylalanine asn phe aspartic proline asp pro cysteine serine cys ser glutamine threonine gln thr ...

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