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picture1_Nutrition Therapy Pdf 148878 | Fn 3351a 533 Horne Rinaldi Clinical Nutrition I

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File: Nutrition Therapy Pdf 148878 | Fn 3351a 533 Horne Rinaldi Clinical Nutrition I
brescia university college fall 2016 school of food and nutritional sciences foods nutrition 3351a clinical nutrition i course outline section 533 course directors dr colleen o connor ph d r ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 13 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Brescia university college fall school of food and nutritional sciences foods nutrition a clinical i course outline section directors dr colleen o connor ph d r office hours tba ursuline hall mrw room email oconnor uwo ca brenda hartman portable bhartma janet madill st james building jmadill sessional instructors justine horne mscfn candidate by appointment rm jhorne sylvia rinaldi srinaldi description introduction to therapeutic care service modifications normal diet meet special needs menu planning documentation class schedule lecture half sec monday am br uh pm thursday prerequisite b or the former co antirequisite objectives upon successful completion this students will be able demonstrate competencies communication critical thinking inquiry analysis problem solving self awareness development social engagement demonstrating an understanding role services in management patients clients interviewing counseling skills identify implications age economics physiological sociocultural cha...

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