the journal of nutrition community and international nutrition development and validation of measure of household food insecurity in urban costa rica conrmsproposedgeneric questionnaire1 2 3 4 4 4 3 wendy ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 12 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...The journal of nutrition community and international development validation measure household food insecurity in urban costa rica conrmsproposedgeneric questionnaire wendy gonzalez alicia jimenez graciela madrigal leda m munoz edward a frongillo department health promotion education behavior university south carolina columbia sc school san jose costarica downloaded from https academic oup com jn article by guest on january abstract interest fi within scientic policy groups has motivated efforts to develop methods for measuringit questionnairesaskingaboutfiexperienceshavebeenshowntobevalidinthecontextsinwhichtheywere created issue arisen as whether such questionnaires need be developed ground up or if generic questionnairecanbeadaptedtoaparticularcontext thisstudyaimedtogainanin depthunderstandingofhouseholdfiin validate its measurement inform choice between methodsofdevelopment thestudywasconductingusingqualitativeandquantitativemethodsprovidedinthefoodand technical assistance fanta gu...