12 asia pac j clin nutr 2008 17 s1 12 15 review article nutrigenomics the cutting edge and asian perspectives hisanori kato phd graduate school of agricultural and life sciences ...
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...Asia pac j clin nutr s review article nutrigenomics the cutting edge and asian perspectives hisanori kato phd graduate school of agricultural life sciences university tokyo bunkyo ku japan one two major goals is to make full use genomic information reveal how genetic variations affect nutrients other food factors thereby realize tailor made nutrition nutrigenetics goal comprehensively understand response body diets through various omics technologies such as transcriptomics proteomics metabolomics most successfully exploited technology date transcriptome analysis due mainly its efficiency high throughput feature this has already provided a substantial amount data on for instance novel function unknown mechanism effect even safety issues foods database that we have created now holds publication several hundred studies furthermore approach being applied ex ample obtained thus far suggest new will facilitate evaluation newly developed help clarify toxic effects resulting from excessive in ...