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picture1_Dietary Fiber

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File: Dietary Fiber
dietary fiber found mainly in fruits vegetables whole grains and legumes is probably best known for its ability to prevent or relieve constipation but fiber can provide other health benefits ...

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...Dietary fiber found mainly in fruits vegetables whole grains and legumes is probably best known for its ability to prevent or relieve constipation but can provide other health benefits as well such lowering your risk of diabetes heart disease if you need add more diet don t worry increasing the amount eat each day isn difficult find out how much ways include high foods into meals snacks what also roughage bulk includes all parts plant that body digest absorb often classified two categories those dissolve water insoluble do soluble this type increases movement material through digestive system stool so it be benefit who struggle with irregular stools wheat flour bran nuts many are good sources dissolves form a gel like help lower blood cholesterol glucose levels generous quantities oats peas beans apples citrus carrots barley psyllium varies different receive greatest wide variety bulking up unlike food components fats proteins carbohydrates which breaks down absorbs digested by therefo...

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