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picture1_Health Star Rating System

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File: Health Star Rating System
technical report alignment of nsw healthy food provision policy with the health star rating system nsw ministry of health the george institute 73 miller street gpo box 5389 north sydney ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 11 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Technical report alignment of nsw healthy food provision policy with the health star rating system ministry george institute miller street gpo box north sydney tel fax tty www georgeinstitute org au gov shpn cph isbn this is research conducted by and centre for population authors elizabeth dunford megan cobcroft marguerite thomas jason wu would like to acknowledge assistance rosie venman kiara carmody liz munn louise waters heather wallace ruth chesser annie gao michelle crino in producing suggested citation e m j h work copyright it may be reproduced whole or part study training purposes subject inclusion an acknowledgement source not commercial usage sale reproduction other than those indicated above requires written permission from disclaimer while every care has been taken ensure accuracy currency information contained document at time writing possible that additional updated relating some content have emerged prior publication product provided does represent endorsement any bevera...

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