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File: Monogastric Nutrition Pdf 145323 | 22b2b6c8 8ec2 4826 Ae81 00ed42e23546
review published 04 march 2019 doi 10 3389 fvets 2019 00048 dietary fiber and intestinal health of monogastric animals 1 2 1 1 2 rajesh jha janelle m fouhse utsav ...

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...Review published march doi fvets dietary fiber and intestinal health of monogastric animals rajesh jha janelle m fouhse utsav p tiwari linge li benjamin willing department human nutrition food animal sciences university hawaii at manoa honolulu hi united states agricultural nutritional science alberta edmonton ab canada performance feed efciency overall are heavily dependent on gut changes in production systems regulations away from the use antibiotic growth promoters agp have necessitated identication strategies to optimize novel effective ways among alternatives inclusion bers df diets has been attempted with some success alternative feedstuffs coproducts typically rich ber can be used reduce costs naturally occurring compounds a diverse composition present all plant based stimulate promoting bacteria fermented distal small intestine large short chain fatty acids benecial effects immune system maternal supplementation is one strategy suggested programming effect microbial development...

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