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picture1_Monogastric Nutrition Pdf 145273 | Intech Soybean In Monogastric Nutrition Modifications To Add Value And Disease Prevention Properties

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File: Monogastric Nutrition Pdf 145273 | Intech Soybean In Monogastric Nutrition Modifications To Add Value And Disease Prevention Properties
chapter 14 soybean in monogastric nutrition modifications to add value and disease prevention properties samuel n nahashon and agnes k kilonzo nthenge additional information is available at the end of ...

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...Chapter soybean in monogastric nutrition modifications to add value and disease prevention properties samuel n nahashon agnes k kilonzo nthenge additional information is available at the end of http dx doi org introduction glycine max a leguminous oilseed one world s largest most effi cient sources plant protein has on average crude content about fat dry matter basis varies with geographi cal region damage crop can cause significant decrease pro tein other hand processed meal which commonly used feeding contains nrc this high conjunction energy due low fiber make an ideal source for hu mans also feed ingredient animals table heat proc essed form primarily human consumption it lower concentration when compared produced from solvent extracted seeds without hulls cp respectively soy bean common utilized animal while nutrients such as calcium potassium zinc tend be treated than meals higher heated previous reports have shown that balanced amino acid profile although deficient methionine ly...

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