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File: Anti Nutritional Factors Pdf 143361 | 7 1 201 135
international journal of chemical studies 2019 7 1 2472 2479 p issn 2349 8528 e issn 2321 4902 ijcs 2019 7 1 2472 2479 an overview of anti nutritional factors ...

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...International journal of chemical studies p issn e ijcs an overview anti nutritional factors in food received accepted abhishek thakur vishal sharma and aayushee abstract department science are the compounds found most substances which poisonous to humans technology dr ys parmar or some ways limit availability nutrient body present university horticulture different varying amounts depending on kind many nutrients forestry nauni solan himachal pradesh india oxalate phytate etc toxic cyanide nitrate phenols plants vegetables foods responsible for deleterious effects related absorption micronutrients however may exert beneficial health at low biotechnology concentrations example phytic acid lectins tannins saponins amylase inhibitors protease have been shown reduce cause growth inhibition when used levels lectin also blood glucose insulin responses starchy plasma cholesterol triglyceride reduces maximum utilization especially proteins vitamins minerals thus preventing optimal exploitation...

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