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File: Extraction Methods Pdf 89995 | 5 Ijcbs 17 12 5
ijcbs 12 2017 75 85 international journal of chemical and biochemical sciences issn 2226 9614 journal home page www iscientific org journal html international scientific organization isolation of bioactive compounds ...

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...Ijcbs international journal of chemical and biochemical sciences issn home page www iscientific org html scientific organization isolation bioactive compounds from essential oils a comprehensive review farwa nadeem muhammad waqar azeem idrees jilani department chemistry university agriculture faisalabad pakistan abstract are rapidly gaining global attention due to number fruitful applications in cosmetic products food industries sanitary articles pharmaceutical medicines because anti viral immuno modulatory analgesic diuretic inflammatory parasitic biotic ulcer tubercular allergic anthelmintic anesthetic insecticidal urolithiatic cancer diabetic fungal bacterial oxidant pyretic cardio vascular hepato protective fertility potentials this article is designed compile recent extraction methods latest fractionation techniques for obtained oleoresin exudations gums rhizomes fruits roots seeds barks flowers leaves solvent free microwave supercritical fluid direct steam distillation hydro simp...

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