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picture1_Nutrition Therapy Pdf 143269 | 20130321195042 3280

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File: Nutrition Therapy Pdf 143269 | 20130321195042 3280
national standards of people s republic of china 28050 2011 gb national food safety standard standard for nutrition labelling of prepackaged foods nota traduccion no oficial issued on 2011 10 ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 07 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...National standards of people s republic china gb food safety standard for nutrition labelling prepackaged foods nota traduccion no oficial issued on implemented by ministry health the scope this applies to description and presentation information a does not apply nor pre packaged special dietary uses terms definitions is intended inform consumer nutritional properties which includes components table claims nutrient function part nutrients substances in with specific physiological role maintain body growth development activities reproduction normal metabolism include protein fat carbohydrates minerals vitamin etc component refers or other addition have functions definition can refer z basic terminology core sodium normative form name content nrv reference value especially purpose compare levels claim declaration such as energy comparative means that describes level diction contains high low compares same type known consumers add reduce rounding interval minimum unit rounded numerical ed...

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