File: Anti Nutritional Factors In Food Pdf 142508 | 234683781
food science and quality management www iiste org issn 2224 6088 paper issn 2225 0557 online vol 27 2014 effect of soaking time on the proximate mineral compositions and anti ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 07 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Food science and quality management www iiste org issn paper online vol effect of soaking time on the proximate mineral compositions anti nutritional factors lima bean adebayo s f department technology federal polytechnic ado ekiti p m b state nigeria e mail feyi yahoo com abstract some composition seed flour was investigated seeds phaseolus lunatus were soaked in de ionized water for hrs respectively followed by draining drying milling un milled served as control well phytate tannins oxalates determined using standard procedures results compared with raw moisture levels increased from to significantly different all samples variation protein not ranging contents increase consequently reduces keywords beans introduction legumes belong family leguminosae tropics are next important crops after cereals they low cost dietary vegetables proteins minerals when animal products such meat fish egg indigenous therefore an source affordable alternative poor resource people many countries especiall...