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picture1_Anti Nutritional Factors In Food Pdf 142478 | 5 Antinutritional And Toxic Subs

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File: Anti Nutritional Factors In Food Pdf 142478 | 5 Antinutritional And Toxic Subs
food science and quality management www iiste org issn 2224 6088 paper issn 2225 0557 online vol 36 2015 important anti nutritional substances and inherent toxicants of feeds yilkal tadele ...

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...Food science and quality management www iiste org issn paper online vol important anti nutritional substances inherent toxicants of feeds yilkal tadele arba minch university p o box arbaminch ethiopia yilkaltadele gmail com abstract review was carried out on ant factors toxins in animal feed their effect animals possible mechanisms to reduce toxicity the major nutrients found plant protein sources are saponins cyanogenic glycosides tannins phytic acid oxalates protease inhibitors chlorogenic amylase compounds which nutrient utilization or intake plants products used as numerous anfs forages can cause livestock some these produced by grasses legumes other tannin complexes astringent adversely affect negative responses performance metabolism through erythrocyte haemolysis reduction blood liver cholesterol depression growth rate bloat ruminants inhibition smooth muscle activity enzyme absorption forms mineral reduces bioavailability inhibits action gastrointestinal tyrosinase trypsin peps...

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