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picture1_Nutrition Therapy Pdf 142405 | Fatpants 1

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File: Nutrition Therapy Pdf 142405 | Fatpants 1
drop your fat pants 9 things i wish i had known about fat loss when i first started working out by leslie hooper 145 waverly place new york new york ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 07 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Drop your fat pants things i wish had known about loss when first started working out by leslie hooper waverly place new york lesliehooper com who am my noggin hello there allow myself to introduce m and an online nutrition fitness coach specializes in helping people break free from the shackles of dieting while simultaneously achieving body a superhero some you may know me as not always so charming southern belle orleans loves deadlifts tacos gift wrapping that last one is joke way seriously love shit but among clients mostly no nonsense broad doesn t take herself too on quest for perfect guacamole can often be found burying nose book jiu jitsu class or dancing between sets squat rack cont d have reputation being black belt ball buster with strong aversion if s anything do care suck it success see ve been told obsession client currently ranked this isn just paycheck world after ten years she corporate grind hung up suit chose career path own transformation was powerful inspired throw ...

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