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picture1_Healthy Eating Guide Pdf 142240 | F08 Healthy Eating And Stroke V1 December 2021

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File: Healthy Eating Guide Pdf 142240 | F08 Healthy Eating And Stroke V1 December 2021
healthy eating and stroke stroke helpline 0303 3033 100 or email helpline stroke org uk eating a healthy balanced diet can help reduce your risk of a stroke this guide ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 07 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Healthy eating and stroke helpline or email org uk a balanced diet can help reduce your risk of this guide suggests some simple ways you change to blood pressure stay weight lower cholesterol if have had transient five tips ischaemic attack tia mini should be given advice about people with swallowing fruit vegetables make up problems from third daily eat at least speech language therapist portions day dietitian on safe drink trouble starchy foods another enough keep ask go for more gp need wholegrains in like brown rice get wholegrain bread breakfast cereals there are great resources online such as nhs oneyou aim protein every choices sources found fish pulses nuts seeds lean meat alternatives tofu textured vegetable cut down full fat milk cream cheese fatty processed meats solid fats butter margarine limit salt teaspoon g includes hidden ready made look inside practical changing information visit the mineral potassium prevent high is good way increase levels bananas mushrooms by extra...

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