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picture1_Nutrition Therapy Pdf 142212 | Tim Hortons Catering Brochure

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File: Nutrition Therapy Pdf 142212 | Tim Hortons Catering Brochure
for more information please visit src tim hortons for your safety and optimal product quality westronglyrecommend24houradvancednotice toensureadequatetimeforpreparinglargerorders coldfooditemsshouldbeservedat4 c 40 f or belowandconsumedwithin2hoursoftimeofpickup timhortonshotfooditemsarebestenjoyedimmediately andshouldbeconsumedwithin2hoursofpickup if you have a food ...

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...For more information please visit src tim hortons your safety and optimal product quality westronglyrecommendhouradvancednotice toensureadequatetimeforpreparinglargerorders coldfooditemsshouldbeservedat c f or belowandconsumedwithinhoursoftimeofpickup timhortonshotfooditemsarebestenjoyedimmediately andshouldbeconsumedwithinhoursofpickup if you have a food allergy pleasebeawarethattimhortonsproductsmaycontain orhavecomeintocontactwithpeanuts nutsorother allergens formoreinformationregardingingredients andallergens pleasecallusat orvisit www timhortons com nutrition payment options include luhcard cj visa at participating restaurants third party trademarks are the property of their respective owners used under license not all methods available prices products may vary by region subject to change without notice catering tm feeding crowd with from tims we say merrier always making sure there s enough goodness go around table want be ones who make gettogethers een secial business meetings h...

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