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picture1_Nutrition In Surgical Patients Pdf 141391 | Pg102 Item Download 2023-01-07 07-28-15

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File: Nutrition In Surgical Patients Pdf 141391 | Pg102 Item Download 2023-01-07 07-28-15
review article return to april 2001 table of contents article de revue total parenteral nutrition in the surgical patient a meta analysis daren k heyland md msc max montalvo md ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 07 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Review article return to april table of contents de revue total parenteral nutrition in the surgical patient a meta analysis daren k heyland md msc max montalvo shaun macdonald laurie keefe rd xiang yao su john w drover objective examine relationship between tpn and complication death rates patients data sources computer search published research on medline personal files relevant reference lists study selection titles abstracts or papers primary studies were included if they randomized clinical trials that evaluated effect compared no standard care comparing enteral en excluded extraction abstracted methodology outcomes independently duplicate synthesis there use usual oral diet plus intravenous dextrose when results these aggregated was mortality risk ratio confidence intervals fewer major complications who received although significant heterogeneity overall estimate ci because this signifi cant several priori hypotheses examined only malnourished demonstrated trend reduction but dif...

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