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international journal of physical education sports and health 2017 4 1 280 285 p issn 2394 1685 e issn 2394 1693 effects of 3 month dietary intervention on nutritional impact ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 07 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...International journal of physical education sports and health p issn e effects month dietary intervention on nutritional impact factor isra ijpesh fitness profiles y old competitive swimmers www kheljournal com received accepted mihira ar khopkar naaznin husein abstract department foods nutrition aim to study the months knowledge pre during post dietetics nirmala niketan swim intake college home science methods were selected via purposive sampling survey new marine lines mumbai was administered d diet recall analyzed for meal profile maharashtra india assessed body composition swimming performance tests individualized plan cho g kg bw protein fat training low gi moderate isotonic drink water high prescribed monitored weekly mo six sessions arranged which all above parameters re observations significant improvements in macronutrient quality meals observed mean improved by...