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...Nutritional risk interaccion pagina nutr hosp issn coden nuhoeq s v r original and status of surgical patients the relevance nutrition training medical students c ferreira lavinhas l fernandes m camilo p ravasco unit metabolism institute molecular medicine faculty lisbon university surgery department hospital santa maria chln lisboa portugal abstract riesgo y estado nutricionales background prevalence undernutrition among en pacientes quirurgicos la relevancia is thought to be high negatively del entrenamiento nutricional influencing outcomes however recent evidence shows estudiantes de medicina increase overweight obesity in hospitalised resumen aims a pilot cross sectional study was conducted antecedentes se piensa que prevalencia hipo that aimed assess nutricion los es alta afecta through validated methods forma negativa resultados sin embargo las pruebas explore presence recientes muestran el aumento sobrepeso obesidad evaluate metabolic associated with hospitalizados objetivos rea...