food recognition for dietary assessment using deep convolutional neural networks 1 2 1 3 stergios christodoulidis marios anthimopoulos 1 4 and stavroula mougiakakou 1 artorg center for biomedical engineering research ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 06 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Food recognition for dietary assessment using deep convolutional neural networks stergios christodoulidis marios anthimopoulos and stavroula mougiakakou artorg center biomedical engineering research university of bern switzerland unibe ch graduate school cellular sciences department emergency medicine hospital endocrinology diabetes clinical nutrition abstract diet management is a key factor the prevention treatment related chronic diseases computer vision systems aim to provide auto mated intake meal images we propose method already segmented items in uses layer network classify image patches each item overlapping are extracted classified class with majority votes assigned it experiments on manually anno tated dataset justified choice involved compo nents proved effectiveness proposed system yielding an overall accuracy keywords man agement machine learning introduction like obesity have become major health concern over last decades such however traditional methods often fail due inab...