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picture1_Diet After Gastric Sleeve Surgery Pdf 139756 | Obesity Postop Diet

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File: Diet After Gastric Sleeve Surgery Pdf 139756 | Obesity Postop Diet
post weight loss surgery dietary information stages 1 6 columbia university center for metabolic and weight loss surgery prepared by n restuccia ms rd cdn start now multivitamin mineral and ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 06 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Post weight loss surgery dietary information stages columbia university center for metabolic and prepared by n restuccia ms rd cdn start now multivitamin mineral calcium supplements every day stage presurgery diet duration usually weeks prior to but if your bmi is or greater we recommend that you lose of body before food beverages high protein low fat carb see separate handout given dietitian shakes nonsugared liquids no gastric bypass sleeve gastrectomy about hours after adjustable band till none well tolerated rest hospital stay recovery clear water ounces minutes while awake g chicken broth gelatin decaffeinated tea suggestions sip slowly stop sipping as soon feel full never force yourself finish when in doubt wait it out ask the nurse oz medicine cups use these measure starting get home from one week including daily each shake should provide at least consume per drink coffee free milk crystal light snapple powerade zero vitaminwater sugar frozen fruit pops added hot cocoa yogurt sm...

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