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File: Gastricsleevesurgery
gastric sleeve surgery introduction obesity is associated with many diseases such as diabetes high blood pressure heart problems and degeneration of the joints these diseases and the obesity itself lead ...

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...Gastric sleeve surgery introduction obesity is associated with many diseases such as diabetes high blood pressure heart problems and degeneration of the joints these itself lead to an increased risk premature death when dieting exercising fail help patients lose weight may known bariatric a type rs your health care provide recommend that you undergo decision have this yours reference summary explains operation it also discusses different treatment options benefits risks what expect serious can early include arthritis sleep apnea breathing stops for short periods during document informational purposes not intended be substitute advice doctor or healthcare professional recommendation any particular plan like printed material become out date over time important rely on specific condition patient education institute inc www x plain com gs last reviewed cause develop low self esteem begin withdraw from social situations activities often leads living in solitude settles becomes more difficul...

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