pre and postpartum nutritional management to optimize energy balance and fertility in dairy cows 1 felipe cardoso department of animal sciences university of illinois introduction during the transition period from ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 06 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Pre and postpartum nutritional management to optimize energy balance fertility in dairy cows felipe cardoso department of animal sciences university illinois introduction during the transition period from late gestation through early lactation cow undergoes tremendous metabolic adaptations bell endocrine changes are necessary prepare for parturition lactogenesis as peak milk yield increases becomes much more challenging with most infectious diseases disorders occurring this time drackley grummer decreased dry matter intake dmi influences metabolism leading fat mobilization adipose tissue glycogen liver nutrient demand synthesis is increased if no compensatory nutrients achieved cope requirement reproductive functions i e secretion hormones follicle ovulation embryo development may be depressed production faster than first weeks after calving thus high yielding will experience negative neb strategies feeding post periods impact health productivity producing formulating diets meet requir...