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picture1_Nutritional Diseases Pdf 138255 | Nsg 310 Spring 2021

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File: Nutritional Diseases Pdf 138255 | Nsg 310 Spring 2021
university of rochester school of nursing nsg 310 nutrition and health pre requisite s none co requisite s none credit hours 3 credits course format complete online course meeting days ...

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...University of rochester school nursing nsg nutrition and health pre requisite s none co credit hours credits course format complete online meeting days times locations fully no required in class sessions description this focuses on basic concepts for those students that are pursuing careers other allied fields covers healthy through the life cycle selected cultural variation diet physical activity medical therapy diseases food safety open to nonmatriculated student learning outcomes at conclusion will achieve following identified describe nutritional requirements across including groups discuss role promoting maintaining appropriate methods safe tracking storage preparation prevent illness state interventions provide adequate clients with specific clinical disorders diabetes cardiovascular disease renal insufficiency hepatic develop patient family teaching plans activities uses a combination facilitate mastery content lectures literature search readings case studies testing expectation...

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