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picture1_Malnutrition In Elderly Pdf 136242 | Ss06 01 001

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File: Malnutrition In Elderly Pdf 136242 | Ss06 01 001
dealing with malnutrition a meal planning system for elderly johanaberg department of computer and information science linkopings universitet 581 83 linkoping sweden johab ida liu se abstract of our ageing ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 05 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Dealing with malnutrition a meal planning system for elderly johanaberg department of computer and information science linkopings universitet linkoping sweden johab ida liu se abstract our ageing population the problem must is serious among people old age be dealt toovercomemalnutrition change food consumption there are several causes see e g dis haviour necessary which needs to based on specialist cussion in mccormack can specic advicefromhealth careprofessionals changingfood related optimal nutrient intake affected by behaviour however known difcult approach dividual rates physiologic function or this provide an intelligent sys easesordrugtherapies economiccauses nanciallim tem used person his her home itations lead down prioritisation nutritious so provides recommendations suitable recipes cial loss spouse causing appetite taking into account advice care givers terms due depression simply not knowing how cook dietary restrictions energy fat levels etc we what constitutes limited di ...

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