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picture1_Dietary Recall Pdf 135728 | Fbb62632abacdab037656b827335522618e2

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File: Dietary Recall Pdf 135728 | Fbb62632abacdab037656b827335522618e2
nutrients article dietary determinants of anemiainchildrenaged6 36 months across sectionalstudyinindonesia dianasunardi1 saptawatibardosono1 rayw basrowi2 erikawasito2 andyvanvandenplas3 1 departmentofnutrition facultyofmedicineuniversitasindonesia ciptomangunkusumogeneral hospital jakarta 10430 indonesia diana sunardi yahoo com d s ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 05 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Nutrients article dietary determinants of anemiainchildrenaged months across sectionalstudyinindonesia dianasunardi saptawatibardosono rayw basrowi erikawasito andyvanvandenplas departmentofnutrition facultyofmedicineuniversitasindonesia ciptomangunkusumogeneral hospital jakarta indonesia diana sunardi yahoo com d s tati bardo b medicalnutritionfordanonespecializednutrition yogyakarta ray gmail r w erika wasito danone e vrije universiteit brussel vub uz brussels kidz health castle belgium correspondence yvan vandenplas uzbrussel be tel abstract anemia has been acknowledged as worldwide problem including in this cross sectional study aims to explore risk factors for children aged monthslivinginapoorurbanareaofjakarta thestudywasdoneinkampungmelayu sub district data was collected within two weeks september october astructuredquestionnaire a h recall and semi quantitative food frequency questionnaire ffq wereusedtocollectthedietaryintakedata andvenousbloodwaswithdrawntodeterminethe hemogl...

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