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picture1_Nutritional Epidemiology Pdf 135065 | Pn 22 002(1)

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File: Nutritional Epidemiology Pdf 135065 | Pn 22 002(1)
pn 22 002 total nos of pages 3 pn 22 002 perspective open precision nutrition concept evolution and future vision 1 2 benjamin p xu hanping shi 1department of epidemiology ...

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...Pn total nos of pages perspective open precision nutrition concept evolution and future vision benjamin p xu hanping shi department epidemiology nutritional concentration harvard t h chan school public health boston ma usa gi surgery clinical beijing shijitan hospital capital medical university china corresponding author address e mail shihp ccmu edu cn the has received signicant asaconcept precisionnutrition beganfermenting overadecade attention in recent years however given novel nature ago atthattime researchersstudiedtheeffectsofdifferentdoses eld a clear denition scope ofvitaminsupplementationondisease thefullstoryofprecision yet to be established begins even further back united states long history implementing food fortication combat an important distinction make is between terms specic diseases due micronutrient deciency examples range personalized while they from iodized salt enriched our containing thiamin werepreviouslyinterchangeable theformerisnowconsideredan niacin riboavi...

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