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picture1_Functional Nutrition Pdf 134704 | Elderly Nutrition Programs Explanation

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File: Functional Nutrition Pdf 134704 | Elderly Nutrition Programs Explanation
state and federal elderly nutrition programs since 1973 two nutrition programs for the elderly have existed in wisconsin the state elderly nutrition improvement program established under sec 115 345 of ...

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...State and federal elderly nutrition programs since two for the have existed in wisconsin improvement program established under sec of statutes administered by department public instruction dpi authorized title iii c older americans act law health family services dhfs through awards to county tribal governments both are open all persons age their spouse any may operate separately independently were designed those who do not eat adequately because they cannot afford so lack knowledge or skill select prepare nourishing well balanced meals limited mobility experienced functional impairments which limit capacity shop cook themselves feelings rejection loneliness affect incentive a meal alone experience other psychological physiological social economic changes that occur with aging resulting pattern living causes malnutrition further physical mental impairment we provide brief description below describe ways school food authorities sfas can run either one together en as described section aut...

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