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File: Academic Pdf 134599 | 3048083848
perspective perspective the virtualdigitaltwins conceptin precisionnutrition 1 2 1 3 3 4 5 6 downloaded from https academic oup com advances article 11 6 1405 5889940 by guest on 14 ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 04 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Perspective the virtualdigitaltwins conceptin precisionnutrition downloaded from https academic oup com advances article by guest on june kalliopi gkouskou ioannisvlastos petroskarkalousos dimitrioschaniotis despinasanoudou andaristidesgeliopoulos departmentofbiology schoolofmedicine nationalandkapodistrianuniversityofathens athens greece embiodiagnostics biologyresearchcompany heraklion crete departmentofbiomedicalsciences universityofwestattica clinicalgenomicsandpharmacogenomicsunit th departmentofinternalmedicine centerfornewbiotechnologiesand precisionmedicine andcenterofbasicresearch biomedicalresearch foundationoftheacademyofathens abstract nutritional and lifestyle changes remain at core of healthy aging disease prevention accumulating evidence underscores impact genetic metabolic host gut microbial factors individual responses to nutrients paving way for stratication guidelines however technological that incorporate biological health data an unprecedented scale depthconceptual...

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