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picture1_Healthrecsys17 Paper 13

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File: Healthrecsys17 Paper 13
dietos arecommendersystemforhealthprofilinganddiet managementinchronicdiseases giuseppe agapito mariadelina simeoni barbara calabrese data analytics research center nephrology and dialysis unit data analytics research center department of medical and surgical department of medical and ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 04 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Dietos arecommendersystemforhealthprofilinganddiet managementinchronicdiseases giuseppe agapito mariadelina simeoni barbara calabrese data analytics research center nephrology and dialysis unit department of medical surgical sciences university magna grncia catanzaro italy unicz it adelina calabreseb pietro hiram guzzi giorgio fuiano mario cannataro hguzzi abstract acm reference format currently there is a lack food recommender systems able to pro videhighqualitynutritionaladvicestobothhealthyanddiet related chronic diseases users eventually exploiting typical regional foods system for health profiling diet management in wepresentdietos dietorganizersystem arecommendersys proceedings the second international workshop on temfor adaptive delivery nutrition contents both healthy co located with recsys como subjects patients including august pages kidney disease ckd hypertension diabetes builds profiles provides individual nutritional recommendation based user answers dy introduction namic...

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