File: Dietary Reference Intakes Pdf 134272 | Ada387084
usariem technical note tn 00 10 military dietary reference intakes rationale for tabled values carol j baker fulco ltc gaston p bathalon maj maria e bovill harris r lieberman military ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 04 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Usariem technical note tn military dietary reference intakes rationale for tabled values carol j baker fulco ltc gaston p bathalon maj maria e bovill harris r lieberman nutrition division may u s army research institute of environmental medicine natick massachusetts disclaimer the opinions or assertions contained herein are private views authors and not to be construed as official reflecting department defense unless so designated by other authorized documents disposition instructions destroy this report when no longer needed do return originator documentation page form approved omb public reporting burden collection information is estimated average hour per response including time reviewing searching exu nr ita sources gathering maintaining data completing send comments regarding estimate any on spect suggestions reducing washington headquarters services directorate operations reports jefferson davis highway suite arlington va office management budget paperwork reduction project dc ag...