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picture1_Healthy Nutrition Pdf 141121 | 000862500

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File: Healthy Nutrition Pdf 141121 | 000862500
overview of the dietary reference intakes for japanese 2020 1 purpose of development dietary reference intakes for japanese propose reference values for the intake of energy and nutrients in the ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 07 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Overview of the dietary reference intakes for japanese purpose development propose values intake energy and nutrients in population comprising both healthy individuals groups promotion maintenance health to prevent occurrence lifestyle related diseases lrds period use is applicable five years from fiscal year policies were developed perspective avoiding nutrition physical or metabolic deterioration with a focus on prevention progression as well malnutrition frailty elderly figure target are those who generally leading independent daily lives even if they have risk factors dris determined based scientific findings currently available data international academic papers materials systematically reviewed basic concepts basics body mass index bmi was adopted an indicate state balance between consumption weight kg height types designed three purposes estimated average requirement ear avoid inadequacy amount that would meet nutrient requirements recommended allowance rda also supplement most ...

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