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picture1_Diet Therapy Pdf 134115 | Personaltrainer Study Guide Northeast

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File: Diet Therapy Pdf 134115 | Personaltrainer Study Guide Northeast
northeast personal training certification developed and written by tom seabourne ph d northeast personal trainer certification sections course description intro you are a personal trainer preface personal training how to ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 04 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Northeast personal training certification developed and written by tom seabourne ph d trainer sections course description intro you are a preface how to using the p t study guide pt test info now we begin sample exercises basic exercise science chart losing fat not muscle metabolic rate resistance intervals eating lose technical jargon interpreted into client speak mental preparation i minding your body pg focus like lasar flow activation concentration ii full strength somatotypes practical topical tips fast or slow twitch metabolism warm up core reminders is new older adult iii eat gain starve knowing what do doing it did go wrong paleo atkins carbs protein intermittent fasting for health scattershooting diet refueling ergogenic aids iv cardio medicine ball stability plyometric power v pre hab re strong low back elbow shoulder heel knee ankle vi explosive moves cool down vii flexible appendix author bio b bibliography c assessments q e glossary f law says g consent form h history lead...

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