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File: Diet Therapy Pdf 134058 | Gut00382 0018
gut 1985 26 882 887 diet and drinking habits in relation to the development ofalcoholic pancreatitis j s wilson l bernstein c mcdonald a tait d mcneil and r c ...

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                        Gut, 1985, 26, 882-887
                        Diet and drinking habits in relation to the development
                        ofalcoholic pancreatitis
                        J S WILSON, L BERNSTEIN, C MCDONALD, A TAIT,
                        D MCNEIL, AND R C PIROLA
                        From the DepartmentofGastroenterology, Division ofMedicine, Prince Henry Hospital, Sydney, NSW,
                        Australia, and the Department ofStatistics, Macquarie University, North Ryde, NSW, Australia
                        SUMMARY To determine whether increased intakes of fat and protein or particular drinking
                        habits are associated with the development of alcoholic pancreatitis, a dietary study has been
                        conducted. Patients with clinically evident alcoholic pancreatitis were compared with individuals
                        with clinically evident alcoholic cirrhosis with respect to dietary and drinking habits before the
                        onset of clinical illness. There was no significant difference between the two groups regarding
                        intake of nutrients, drinking habits or type of alcoholic beverage consumed.
                        Although alcoholism is common in western society                                increasing the dietary protein content has been re-
                        (affecting 3-5% of men and 0-1% ofwomen)1 only a                                ported to increase pancreatic protease content'1'4
                        small minority of alcoholic individuals develop                                 and possibly also lipase activity.10 Although the
                        clinical pancreatitis. Dietary factors and drinking                             mechanism of such dietary adaptation is unknown,
                        habits have been considered as possible determi-                                its   occurrence may predispose the pancreas to
                        nants of individual susceptibility to alcoholic pan-                            autodigestion. (b) High fat diets appear to increase
                        creatitis.     The study described in this paper was                            the severity of experimental pancreatitis in dogs'5
                        undertaken to determine whether patients with this                              and there is a report of pancreatitis developing
                        disease differed from suitable controls with regard                             spontaneously in dogs consuming large amounts of
                        to: (a) their consumption of fat and protein, (b) the                           fat.'6 In addition, Maki et al17 have reported that
                        type of alcoholic beverage consumed and the increases in dietary protein enhance the develop-
                        pattern of its consumption prior to the onset of                                ment ofexperimental pancreatitis in rats. (c) Several
                        clinical disease.                                                               dietary surveys of patients with alcoholic pancreati-
                                                                                                        tis have been carried out. Sarles' group 89 have
                        DIET AND PANCREATITIS                                                           reported that patients with this condition consume
                        Malnutrition has traditionally been considered to be                            more fat and more protein than the normal popula-
                        an important association of alcoholic pancreatitis.                             tion. The use of normal controls in these studies was
                        Malnutrition (in the absence of alcoholism) is                                  unfortunate as they differed from the index group in
                        associated with pancreatitis in parts of Africa, India,                         more than one variable - they did not have
                        and South-East Asia.2 In addition, Mezey et a13                                 pancreatitis and they were not alcoholic. In addi-
                        have reported that pancreatic hyposecretion in                                  tion, it was not made clear whether the patients
                        alcoholics is caused by malnutrition and is reversed                            were interviewed about their dietary habits before
                        by feeding adequate diets.                                                      or after the onset of clinical disease. Pitchumoni et
                            On the other hand, there is experimental and                                al. 20 reported that patients with alcoholic pancreati-
                        clinical evidence to suggest that 'hypernutrition'                              tis consumed more fat than patients with alcoholic
                        may be a predisposing factor in this disease: (a)                               cirrhosis. Both study groups were alcoholic and both
                        Several investigators have been able to increase                                groups had consumed enough alcohol to result in
                        lipase content of the pancreas of experimental                                  organ damage. The difference in fat intakes re-
                        animals by feeding high fat diets.49 Similarly,                                 ported, however, may have been related to the 13
                                                                                                        year average age difference between the two groups.
                        Address for correspondence: Dr R C Pirola, 1st Floor Clinical Sciences Bldg.    DRINKING HABITS AND ALCOHOLIC PANCREATITIS
                        Prince Henry Hospital, Anzac Parade, Little Bay, NSW 2036, Australia.           A survey of the literature reveals considerable
                        Received for publication 30 October 1984                                        geographic variation in patterns of alcohol consump-
                 Diet and drinking habits in relatioh to the development of alcoholic pancreatitis                         883
                tion in association with alcoholic pancreatitis. In     normal 300 U/1) or features of moderate or ad-
                France2' 22 and Sweden23 patients are reported as       vanced chronic pancreatitis on a retrograde pan-
                consistent heavy drinkers with little variation in      creatogram (according to the criteria of Kasugai et
                alcohol intake between one day and the next. In the     a135), (iii) negative radiographic studies of the gall
                United States,24 South Africa,25 26 Scotland,27 and     bladder, normal serum calcium (in remission),
                Australia,28 29 however, bout drinking is said to be    fasting serum triglycerides less than twice the upper
                more prominent in these patients.                       limit of normal and no relevant drug history.
                   The relationship of drinking bouts to attacks of
                 pancreatitis is controversial. Phillips, 24 Marks and   (b) Alcoholic liver disease
                 Bank,25 Boyer and Mackay,28 and Imrie27 have           Patients presenting with clinical evidence of alcoho-
                 reported that attacks of pancreatitis often coincide   lic liver disease all admitted to drinking 80 g or more
                with periodic drinking bouts. On the other hand,        of alcohol per day and had alcoholic cirrhosis
                Saint,3 " Mayday and Pheils,3' and Kager et a123        diagnosed by liver biopsy or (when deranged coagu-
                could find no association between attacks of pan-       lation precluded a liver biopsy) by the presence of
                creatitis and the imbibition of larger than usual       typical stigmata of chronic liver disease with ascites
                quantities of alcohol.                                  and/or oesophageal varices and with a normal serum
                   The type of beverage consumed appears to be          iron or serum ferritin.
                unimportant in relation to the development of
                alcoholic pancreatitis. Wine, spirits, beer, and cider   (c) Gall stone pancreatitis
                have all been incriminated in reports from various      All patients in this category possessed the following
                countries.21-23 25 32-34                                features: (i) typical attacks of acute abdominal pain
                ofWith the exception of the reports of Sarles21 and     and tenderness, (ii) a serum amylase greater than
                    Kager et a123 there are no published data to         1100 U/I (upper limit of normal: 300 U/1), (iii)
                support the above claims. The drinking habits and       evidence of gall stones on biliary radiology or at
                the preferred alcoholic beverage of patients with       laparotomy, (iv) normal serum triglycerides, (v)
                alcoholic pancreatitis need to be documented and        normal serum calcium (in remission), (vi) no re-
                compared with those of a suitable control group         levant drug or alcohol history.
                before such factors can be accepted or dismissed as
                contributing to the development of the disease.         (d) Gall stones in the common bile duct without
                Methods                                                 All patients in this category had: (i) gall stones in the
                                                                        common bile duct found at the time of biliary
                STUDY GROUPS                                            surgery or with endoscopic retrograde cholangiogra-
                The dietary fat and protein intakes and the drinking    phy, (ii) no clinical evidence of pancreatitis, (iii) a
                habits of patients with clinically evident alcoholic    normal serum amylase.
                pancreatitis were compared with those of patients
                with clinically evident alcoholic liver disease. This   DIETARY INTERVIEWS
                particular control group was chosen because these       All patients were interviewed by a research dietitian
                individuals had consumed enough alcohol to result       who was unaware of their diagnosis. All interviews
                in damage of an organ other than the pancreas.          took place within two years of the onset of clinical
                   If dietary factors contribute to the development of  disease. Information was recorded about the pa-
                alcoholic pancreatitis, they may also play a role in    tients' dietary and drinking habits during the six
                other forms of pancreatic injury. Therefore, a study    month period before the onset of symptoms. In
                was also made of the dietary intakes of patients with   other words, an attempt was made to study patterns
                gall stone pancreatitis. In this instance, the control  of fat, protein and alcohol intake in the premorbid
                group comprised individuals with one or more gall       state. Where possible, information about the pa-
                stones in their common bile ducts but without           tients' dietary habits was also obtained from rela-
                pancreatitis.                                           tives.
                CRITERIA FOR ENTRY                                      DATA ANALYSIS
                (a) Alcoholic pancreatitis                              Comparisons of dietary data between index patients
                Patients presenting with clinical evidence of alcoho-   and their controls were made with multiple regres-
                lic pancreatitis admitted to drinking 80 g or more of   sion analysis using the following multiple regression
                alcohol per day and manifested: (i) typical attacks of  model:
                acute abdominal pain and tenderness, (ii) either a                 y = Bo + Blxl + B2x2 + B3z
                serum amylase greater than 1100 U/I (upper limit of
                                                                                                             Bernstein, McDonald, Tait, McNeil, Pirola
                       884                                                                        Wilson,
                      where                                                                      Table 1     Study groups
                       y is the response variable (lipid intake, protein                                                                                  MalelFemale
                       intake, caloric intake, etc)                                                                            Number      Age            ratio
                       B(1 is a constant                  coefficients
                       B1, B2, B3 are regression                                                 Alcoholic pancreatitis        20          40+9           3-8
                       xi, x2, z are explanatory variables with                                  Alcoholic cirrhosis           33          51 + 11        2-2
                          x = age                                                                Gall stone pancreatitis       15          59±19          0-5
                          x2 = sex (in the case of males the variable x2 is                      Gall stones in   duct         31          61 ± 18        (-4
                                 assigned the value 1 and in the case of                            common bile
                                 females it is assigned the value 0)                              * Mean+standard deviation.
                           z = group (for the index group z= 1; for the
                                 control group z=0).                      variable to be         300U/l). Of the remaining two, one had pancreatic
                          This model allows the response                                                                                        and the other had
                       related to the group while adjusting for sex and age,                     calcification shown radiologically
                       assuming the latter effect is linear. (No evidence for                    features of moderately advanced chronic pancreati-
                       nonlinearity was apparent in the data).                                   tis on a retrograde pancreatogram (according to the
                          In the case of the index group, the equation                           criteria of Kasugai et al.35) In nine of the patients
                       reduces to:                                                               with alcoholic pancreatitis, a pancreatogram was
                                       y = B(, + Blxl + B2X2 + B3                                done and in four cases, this showed moderate or
                                                                                                 advanced features of chronic pancreatitis.                        with
                          In the case of the control group, it becomes:                             Table 2 compares the diet of patients with
                                           y = B(1 + Blxl + B2x2                                 alcoholic pancreatitis with those of patients
                                                                                                 alcoholic cirrhosis. It can be seen that both groups
                          The difference between the two groups is there-                        were well nourished consuming, on average, appro-
                       fore B3, which will have an expected value of zero if                      ximately 11 000-14 000 alcohol free kilojoules
                       the null hypothesis is true. Estimates of B3 were                          (2000-3000 calories) per day. Patients with alcoholic
                       derived for the following response variables:                              pancreatitis exhibited higher intakes of protein, fat
                          lipid intake (g/day)                                                    (including saturated and monounsaturated fat) and
                          protein intake (g/day)                                                  carbohydrate. Alcohol intakes were similar between
                          alcohol free kilojoules (AFKj/day)                                      the two groups. Although the differences for satu-
                          lipid intake as a percentage of AFKj/day                                rated fat, carbohydrate and alcohol free kilojoules
                          protein intake as a percentage of AFKj/day                              are all statistically significant (p<005 in each case),
                          alcohol intake (g/day).                                                 these differences should be adjusted for age and sex
                       Whether or not B3 was different from 0 was                                 to obtain a valid comparison.                                  mean
                       determined by Student's t test, giving a p value in                           Table 3 presents the age and sex adjusted
                       each case.                                                                 differences (B3 values) of the response variables
                           Data about drinking habits (type of alcoholic                          exhibited in Table 2. When age and sex were taken
                       beverage; patterns of consumption) were compared
                        using the x2 test.
                                                                                                  Table 2    Dietary composition ofgroups with alcohol
                       Results                                                                    related disease
                        Data concerning the size, average age and male/                                                                  Alcoholic            Alcoholic
                       female ratios for the four study groups are given in                                                              pancreatitis         cirrhosis
                       Table 1. Patients with alcoholic cirrhosis were, on                        Protein (g/day)                         109±9*                88±5
                        average, 11 years older than patients with alcoholic                      Protein (as per cent of AFKjt)           13±1                 14+±04
                        pancreatitis and the group contained more women.                          Lipid (g/day)                           148±15               115+8
                        The two               with gall stone related disease had                 Lipid (as per cent of AFKj)              4(0+1                41+2
                                    groups                                                        Polyunsaturated fat (g/day)              12+2                 12+ 1
                        similar age and sex characteristics.                                      Saturated fat (g/day)                    70±7                 52±4
                           It is of interest that although the protocol allowed                   Monounsaturated fat (g/day)              59+6                 45+3
                        for the inclusion of patients with chronic pancreati-                     Cholesterol (mg/day)                    591+71               529+46
                                                                                                  Carbohydrate (g/day)                   383+39               289±25
                        tis, all patients were clinically regarded as having                      Carbohydrate (as per cent of AFKj)       46±2                 45±2
                        relapsing pancreatitis. All had had typical attacks of                    Alcohol (g/day)                         147+17               150+14
                        acute abdominal pain and tenderness. In addition,                         AFKj/day                            13 856+1289          10 651±731
                        during an attack, all but two had a serum amylase                         * Results expressed as mean+SEM.
                        greater than 1100 U/l (upper limit of normal                              t AFKj = alcohol free kilojoules.
                            Diet and drinking habits in relatidn to the development of alcoholic pancreatitis                                                                                              885
                            Table 3       Ageandsexadjustedmean differences (B?) in                                     Table 5        Ageandsex adjustedmean differences (B?) in
                            dietary composition between groups with alcohol related                                     dietary composition between groups with gallstone related
                            disease                                                                                     disease
                                                                             B*              t valuet      p value                                                        B*             t value'      p value
                            Protein (g/day)                                   8              (082          0 41         Protein(g/day)                                     1             (1-11        (1-91
                            Protein (as per cent of AFKj#)                   - 2          -1-6             0-12         Protein (as per cent of AFKj#)                    -(0  1       -0-13          0 90
                            Lipid (g/day)                                    19              1.1           0-27         Lipid (g/day)                                     13             0-56         0(58
                            Lipid (as per cent of AFKj)                      -(09         -0-36            0-72         Lipid (as per cent of AFKj)                        2             (0-94        (0-35
                            Polyunsaturated fat (g/day)                      -0-4         -0(15            0-88         Polyunsaturated fat (g/day)                        4             (0-74        0-46
                            Saturated fat (g/day)                            11              1.3           0-21         Saturated fat (g/day)                              1             (1-072       0(94
                            Monounsaturated fat (g/day)                      it)             1-3           0-20         Monounsaturated fat (g/day)                        6             0(65         (1-52
                            Cholesterol (mg/day)                             -3(          -(-34            0-75         Cholesterol (mg/day)                            1(04             1 -2         (0-24
                            Carbohydrate (g/day)                             8(1             2-0           0-046        Carbohydrate (g/day)                              18             (1-36        (0-72
                            Carbohydrate (as per cent AFKj)                   2              0-72          0 47         Carbohydrate (as per cent AFKj)                   -2           -(-81          (0-43
                            Alcohol (g/day)                                  12              0-68          0 50         AFKj/day                                        7(06             (1-4         (1-69
                            AFKj/day                                         1760            1-2           0-23
                                                                                                                        * See section on data analysis for derivation of B3.
                            * See section on data analysis for derivation of B3.                                        t Student's t test.       t AFKj/day = alcohol free kilojoules.
                            t Student's t test.      t AFKj = alcohol free kilojoules.
                            into account, it can be seen that patients with                                             drinkers with little variation in their alcoholic intake
                                                                                                                        from one day to the next. Seven of the pancreatitis
                            alcoholic pancreatitis consumed on average each 8 g                                         group and nine of the cirrhosis group admitted to
                            more protein, 19 g more fat (mainly saturated and                                           drinking more heavily on one or two days per week
                            monounsaturated fat), 80 g more carbohydrate,                                               but this difference was not significant (Table 6).
                            approximately 1600 more alcohol free kilojoules and                                         There were no exclusive binge drinkers in either
                            12 g more alcohol. With 47 degrees of freedom for                                           group.
                            the t tests, only the carbohydrate comparison was                                               The types of alcoholic beverage consumed by
                            statistically significant (p=0-046), a result which is                                      patients with pancreatitis and cirrhosis are com-
                            not remarkable when 12 comparisons are made (see                                            pared in Table 7. The predominant alcoholic bever-
                            O'Neil and Wetherill).36 Thus we may conclude that                                          age in both groups was beer, a not unexpected
                            no differences are significant.                                                             finding in an Australian population. There was a
                                The dietary intakes of patients with gall stone                                         slight tendency for those with cirrhosis to consume
                            pancreatitis are compared with those of patients                                            less beer and more wine. For the purposes of
                            with gall stones in the common bile duct in Tables 4                                        statistical analysis, a contingency table was con-
                            and 5. There was no difference in any dietary
                            response variable studied.                                                                  Table 6       Patterns ofalcohol consumption in patients with
                                The majority of patients with alcoholic pancreati-                                      alcoholicpancreatitis and with alcoholic cirrhosis
                            tis   and alcoholic cirrhosis were consistent heavy
                                                                                                                                                                       Alcoholic                 Alcoholic
                           Table 4        Dietary composition ofgroups with gallstone                                                                                 pantcreatitis              cirrhosis
                           related disease                                                                              Regular, daily consumption                     13                        24
                                                                                                                        Heavier consumption on I or 2
                                                                                                     Gallstones            days per week                                7                        9
                                                                           Gallstone                 in common          RawX2=0 35; with Yates correction X2 =0-08 (p=0(78).
                                                                           pancreatitis              bile duct
                            Protein (g/day)                                  97+13*                    99+11
                            Protein (as per cent of AFKjt)                   14+1                      14+1             Table 7        Types ofalcoholic beverage consumed bypatients
                            Lipid (g/day)                                   145+23                   145±21             with alcoholic pancreatitis and with alcoholic cirrhosis
                            Lipid (as per cent of AFKj)                      43±2                      42+ 1
                           Polyunsaturated fat (g/day)                       24+6                      20±2
                           Saturated fat (g/day)                             61 ± 1(0                  66+11                                                           Alcoholic                 Alcoholic
                           Monounsaturated fat (g/day)                       54+8                      53+8                                                           pancreatitis               cirrhosis
                           Cholesterol (mg/day)                            557+100                   533+78
                           Carbohydrate (g/day)               of           335+65                    317+25             Beer                                           68+9*                     52+8
                           Carbohydrate (as per cent             AFKj) 44±2                            45+1             Spirits                                        26+9                      20+6
                           AFKj/day                                    12 743+2041               12 495+1352            Wine                                            6+4                      28+6
                            * Results expressed as mean+SEM.                                                            * Results are expressed as mean±SEM of percentages of total
                            t AFKj = alcohol free kilojoules.                                                           alcohol consumption.
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...Gut diet and drinking habits in relation to the development ofalcoholic pancreatitis j s wilson l bernstein c mcdonald a tait d mcneil r pirola from departmentofgastroenterology division ofmedicine prince henry hospital sydney nsw australia department ofstatistics macquarie university north ryde summary determine whether increased intakes of fat protein or particular are associated with alcoholic dietary study has been conducted patients clinically evident were compared individuals cirrhosis respect before onset clinical illness there was no significant difference between two groups regarding intake nutrients type beverage consumed although alcoholism is common western society increasing content re affecting men ofwomen only ported increase pancreatic protease small minority develop possibly also lipase activity factors mechanism such adaptation unknown have considered as possible determi its occurrence may predispose pancreas nants individual susceptibility pan autodigestion b high di...

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