File: Dietary Supplements Pdf 134053 | Bookshelf Nbk390594
effects of vitamins fatty acids minerals and other dietary supple ments on schizophrenic symptoms in people with schizophrenia report from kunnskapssenteret norwegian knowledge centre for the health services no 19 ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 04 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Effects of vitamins fatty acids minerals and other dietary supple ments on schizophrenic symptoms in people with schizophrenia report from kunnskapssenteret norwegian knowledge centre for the health services no systematic review background there is considerable scientific disagreement about possible supplements mental illness do possibly megadoses have an effect consequences method we critically appraised randomized controlled trials supplemental given to diagnosed primary outcome was results included publis hed between they studied b c e multivitamins mianserin benzopyrone evaluated evidence be low or very quality it therefore difficult draw strong conclusions shows following vitamin acid epa may a beneficial schizophre dha nic continue po box st olavs plass n oslo www isbn issn nr continued page one are uncertain gla vi tamin studies fulfilled our inclusion criteria patients most had few as result using antipsychotic medications thus not much room improvement this could caused undere...