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picture1_Heart Healthy Diet Pdf 132902 | Reading Comprehension Pack Healthy Eating

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File: Heart Healthy Diet Pdf 132902 | Reading Comprehension Pack Healthy Eating
healthy eating food keeps us healthy and help us grow food provides us with energy to be able to function throughout the day by eating a balanced diet your body ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 04 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Healthy eating food keeps us and help grow provides with energy to be able function throughout the day by a balanced diet your body obtains fuel nutrients it needs properly minerals make hormones build bones regulate heartbeat water flushes out toxins transports cells performs other vital bodily processes carbohydrates bread rice potatoes are examples of carbohydrate rich foods these give plenty you should try eat lot each as well provide fibre iron b vitamins calcium fruit vegetables essential for keeping which is important digestion high in can also reduce risk heart disease stroke some cancers at least five portions remember that do not count portion dairy products great sources protein found milk cheese yogurt helps our bodies or repair themselves builds maintains replaces tissues muscles organs immune system made up mostly keep teeth strong we between two three page meat fish eggs beans good source itself hair skin nails fats sugar warmth insulation around too much fat raise chole...

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