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picture1_Community Nutrition Pdf 132486 | Nutrition

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File: Community Nutrition Pdf 132486 | Nutrition
nutrition students completing igetc may be awarded the degree nutrition but they must complete a course from area ic oral communication to meet csu admission requirements the nutrition discipline includes ...

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...Nutrition students completing igetc may be awarded the degree but they must complete a course from area ic oral communication to meet csu admission requirements discipline includes courses that provide program student learning outcome statement with scientific basis and applied knowledge of food fulfill general education upon successful completion this will also enable transfer pursue majors in able relate apply key theories concepts or other health related work advanced academic study care facilities community public organizations academia research industry fitness required core sports industries journalism business corporate nutr today wellness programs h honors career pathway sciences psyc psychology contact information chem chemistry i for science chair casey mcfarland department kinesiology dean al taccone https www miracosta edu office building oc academics bio introduction microbiology certificate index html list select two btec biostatistics full time faculty gail meinhold bus ...

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