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picture1_Industrial Development Pdf 129722 | 11661287 23

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File: Industrial Development Pdf 129722 | 11661287 23
planet planet nesdb jica 8 4 considerations of industrial development strategy 8 4 1 two industrial development strategies the industrial development strategies are generally divided into two types industrial development ...

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...Planet nesdb jica considerations of industrial development strategy two strategies the are generally divided into types by introducing external capital isec and utilizing local resource islr first is mainly inviting enterprises to set up factories in estates with basic infrastructure such as land traffic system water supply electric power second for generating value added products promoting industry highly advanced utilization resources mineral agricultural forestry marine traditional technology culture human however above categorization used convenience show approach not developed only one practically lays special emphasis on some stage or condition another a regional being focused primary produces goods makes materials production relies inevitably under this circumstance process industrialization agglomeration observed urban area then income disparities increased between rural areas principal reduce having excellent branch give labor wage advantage that can attract industries further...

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