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picture1_Industrial Development Pdf 129683 | Mta Ch5

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File: Industrial Development Pdf 129683 | Mta Ch5
chapter 5 industrial development overview the ninth five year plan was formulated after a careful stocktaking of strengths and weaknesses of the past development strategies the pace of reforms initiated ...

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...Chapter industrial development overview the ninth five year plan was formulated after a careful stocktaking of strengths and weaknesses past strategies pace reforms initiated in continued major structural changes modifications sectoral policies were introduced by government to accelerate growth they included delicensing coal lignite petroleum other than crude oil amendment mines minerals regulation act special package for revival exports repeal urban land ceiling regulating buy back shares liberalisation technology imports although performance indian industry during first two years i e fell short projected average annual rate percent recovery seems finally be under way from cyclical downturn previous however view shortfall sector would need grow at around remaining period achieve target there have been several reasons slow down slackening aggregate demand general investment climate falling export erosion competitive advantage persistence infrastructure bottlenecks real gross domestic c...

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