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...Economic models crucini driskill august list of figures themonk spaths theo rourkegraph d pairs p s i sd inverse linear demand function y functions with dierent marketandindividualinversedemands individualinversesupplyfunctions market and individual supply depictingthedemand supplymodel equilibrium dierentincome contents learningobjectives introduction the power ubiquitousness structure language depiction some denitions aproblem theeectsofanendofeusugar productionsubsidies elementsofmodels variables logicalstructuringandrepresentation solvingthemodel thecanonicalquestion solutionstrategies microeconomic partial model competitive for sugar anoteonnotation demandsubmodel logicalstructuring or aggregate curve summing upoverindividuals solvingthemodelwithoutgraphs graphicalsolution further issues evaluationofmodels unansweredquestions learning objectives after mastering material in this chapter reader should understand that an is a logical representation what ever priori theoretical knowle...