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picture1_Keynes Pdf 128437 | Keynesianeconomics

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File: Keynes Pdf 128437 | Keynesianeconomics
keynesian economics wikipedia keynesian economics pronounced kenzin kayn zee n also called keynesianism and keynesian theory is a macroeconomic theory based on the ideas of 20th century british economist john ...

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...Keynesian economics wikipedia pronounced kenzin kayn zee n also called keynesianism and theory is a macroeconomic based on the ideas of th century british economist john maynard keynes argues that private sector decisions sometimes lead to inefficient outcomes therefore advocates active policy responses by public including monetary actions central bank fiscal government stabilize output over business cycle theories forming basis were first presented in general employment interest money published interpretations are contentious several schools thought claim his legacy mixed economy predominantly but with large role served as economic model during latter part great depression world war ii post expansion though it lost some influence following stagflation s advent global financial crisis has caused resurgence former prime minister gordon brown president united states george w bush alleged heavily being anti shock doctrine barack obama other leaders have used through stimulus programs atte...

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