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File: Welfare Economics Pdf 127210 | Logic Is A Harsh Mistress
journal of institutional economics 2019 1 6 doi 10 1017 s1744137419000109 research article logic is a harsh mistress welfare economics for economists peter t leeson george mason university fairfax va ...

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...Journal of institutional economics doi s research article logic is a harsh mistress welfare for economists peter t leeson george mason university fairfax va usa corresponding author email pleeson gmu edu abstract every economic explanation assumes maximization how strange then that few accept one most straightforward implications observed institution efficient my aim to persuade this fact and thus dissuade them from making illogical claims about social frame argument i consider the property rights approach institutions developed by yoram barzel speculate resist what implies efficiency because they think always precludes improving world hope attracted in first place but besides being inconsistent resistance unnecessary does not preclude or anyone else keywords panglossian existence waste with maximizing behavior main task has been explain stigler said me introduction human grounded simple assumption individuals maxi mize gary becker richard posner suicide thaler endowment effect implica...

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