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picture1_Basic Economic Problems Pdf 126709 | Download 507 1

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File: Basic Economic Problems Pdf 126709 | Download 507 1
economic theory beco 1 01 minimum number of lecture hours 45 unit 1 basic economic issues resource scarcity unlimited wants choice opportunity cost economic problems of developing countries low income ...

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...Economic theory beco minimum number of lecture hours unit basic issues resource scarcity unlimited wants choice opportunity cost problems developing countries low income constraints level technology organizational ability degree inventiveness and innovativeness human physical capital acute poverty inequality in the distribution opportunities economics micro macro their differences subject matters ii demand analysis basis utility diminishing marginal consumer her budget line constrained maximization curve factors shifting it prices related goods etc elasticity price iii supply production function returns to a factor scale average product inputs short run total curves relationship minimization revenue profit maximizing output shifts iv market structure determination features perfect competition its limitations imperfect monopoly duopoly oligopoly v national classical gross domestic gdp ndp gnp nnp per capita methods estimation expenditure circular flow employment vi keynesian model polic...

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