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picture1_Economic System Pdf 126255 | H1020 Item Download 2022-10-12 15-53-39

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File: Economic System Pdf 126255 | H1020 Item Download 2022-10-12 15-53-39
unit i general foundation of managerial economics economics can be broadly divided into two categories namely microeconomics and macroeconomics macroeconomics studies the economic system in aggregate on the other hand ...

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...Unit i general foundation of managerial economics can be broadly divided into two categories namely microeconomics and macroeconomics studies the economic system in aggregate on other hand micro behavior an individual decision making like a firm consumer or supplier some factor production relates to issues such as determination national income savings investment employment at levels tax collection government expenditure foreign trade money supply price level etc simple terms taken applied it is application that part which directly related by manager thus analyses process through uses theories address complex problems business world then take rational decisions way preconceived objectives concerned may attained barla economy also faces five basic choice product e products has produce allocate available resources so maximize profit inputs after determining maximising output identify input mix would maximizing minimum cost distribution firms revenue received sales distributed just fair ma...

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